Write to your MP
Your Voice Matters!
As a voter, your views carry weight. MPs and MSPs take notice of the letters they receive, often considering each one as representative of the views of many like-minded constituents. One of the most effective ways you can support the right to pay for peace, not war, is by writing to your MP or MSP. They need to know their constituents’ opinions on military tax allocation.
/Where to send the letter?
You can send your letters to:
[MP’s/MSP's Full Name]
[House of Commons / Scottish Parliament] [Westminster / Holyrood]
[London / Edinburgh]
[SW1A 0AA / EH99 1SP]
To find out who your MP or MSP is and for information on their activities in parliament, please click below:
/Writing Tips
When composing your letter, consider these tips:
Personalise: Use the correct name and title.
Include Your Address: Place your address and postcode at the top of the letter as envelopes are often discarded.
Mention Conscience: Referencing our organization helps raise awareness of our mission.
Politeness Matters: Always write with an expectation of a positive response.
Be Concise: Keep your letter to one sheet of A4 paper or less.
Get to the Point: State your concern in the opening paragraph and address one issue per letter.
Ask Questions: Encourage a response by posing a question.
Consider Email: While letters are ideal, emailing your MP or MSP is also an option.
You may receive a generic response to your initial letter, but maintaining correspondence can be helpful. Avoid writing too frequently, but do keep your representative informed about any developments or changes related to the issue you've raised.
/Your Voice Makes a Difference
Your letters to MPs and MSPs play a vital role in influencing policy decisions. Together, we can shape a more peaceful future. Thank you for your active participation in this crucial endeavor.
Don't underestimate the power of your voice. Write today and help us create a world where tax funds are dedicated to peace, not war.