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International Peace Tax Campaigns

Here, you'll find information about our involvement with the international movement of war tax resistance and peace tax campaigns. Including information about relevant campaigns around the world.

Conscience and Peace Tax International (CPTI) works through international movements and through international institutions such as the United Nations and the European Union. CPTI is a non-governmental organisation in its own right and has special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.


CPTI is not an umbrella organisation of all War Tax Resistance and Peace Tax Campaigns but complements the work of the many national and regional campaigns. It does not organise the biennial International Conference on War Tax Resistance and Peace Tax Campaigns. However, it does hold its General Assembly every two years at the international conference and thus it brings together peace tax campaigners and war tax resisters from around the world.





Having UN consultative status confers rights to attend and make contributions to certain UN meetings, especially those concerned with human rights. An important activity is to submit statements to the UN Human Rights Committee on the status of human rights – including conscientious objection.


Members of CPTI have also taken a keen interest in legal cases around conscientious objection and war tax resistance and its website contains a great deal of information on such matters. Conscience: Taxes for Peace not War, the German group Netzwerk Friedenssteuer and one or two other organisations make contributions to the CPTI fund. Donations are always welcome and there is scope for individuals to become more involved.

An introduction to CPTI

Conscience and Peace Tax International

CPTI is an international peace movement focused on "Taxes for peace not war," seeking to direct taxes away from preparation for war and towards peace building.

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Peace Tax Seven

Find out more about the seven British conscientious objectors, the Peace Tax Seven, who were driven to take the government to court in order not to be complicit in killing recognised.

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Aktie Vredesbelasting – Vrak  (Belgium)
Belgian peace tax and war tax resistance campaign.

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Conscience Canada (Canada)
Canadian peace tax and war tax resistance campaign.

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Netzwerk Friedenssteuer (Germany)
German peace tax and war tax resistance campaign.

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War Resisters League  (USA)
Believing war to be a crime against humanity, the War Resisters League, founded in 1923, advocates Gandhian nonviolence as the method for creating a democratic society free of war, racism, sexism, and human exploitation.

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National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund  (USA)
A national non-profit organisation located in Washington, D.C. which lobbies for US federal legislation. The Peace Tax Foundation, its companion organization, educates the public about alternative tax payment programmes that are based on moral, religious, and ethical opposition to participation in war.


National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (USA)​

NWTRCC is a coalition of groups from across the US, formed in 1982 to provide information and support to people involved in or considering some form of war tax resistance.

Peace Tax & War Tax Resistance Campaigns - Links

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020 3515 9132


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Conscience: Taxes For Peace Not War
1 Peace Passage,
Brecknock Road,
London N7 0BT

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© 2021 Conscience: TAXES FOR PEACE NOT WAR is a campaigning organisation registered in England and Wales as
The Conscience Campaign Limited - company number 08824854 - a company limited by guarantee

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